TransIP: Verification URL is not returning correct contents error

Me and a colleague were trying to request a certificate for our domain(wildcard and www) through but somehow we are recieving a error.
When using dns txt verify it says ‘No TXT Record Found. Make to set the TTL to 1 second or if you cannot set the TTL then you must wait the TTL (in seconds) so it updates before verifying the domain. Contact your DNS provider if unsure.’

In our dns we have set up the acme-challenge as dns txt records. The only thing is, the smallest number from the TTL is 1 minute instead of 1 second and even after waiting a few minutes the error above appears.


Is there something within the TransIP control panel we must change? Or where the records enough?

Kind regards,


The two TXT records exist, but they’re called “”: 60 IN TXT "7gkrajhHMzusB_aPPGpUV9SIIotCOd3LJajgU_3tnv0" 60 IN TXT "o54uqrConaHLlWlnQwySLmplPgmbHwlBN7kIqeiRGpk"

Different DNS interfaces need the name to be entered in different ways. It looks like you have to change the “Naam” field to “_acme-challenge” next time, instead of “”.


Thank you! it worked :smiley:

To be honest, i was not aware this could be it.

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