I’m getting the below error on this domain only. I have other domains on this box (shared IP) that all work without issue.
I had assumed it was because i orignially changed it from a longer domain name to a shorter one (renamed it within virtualmin). So today i exported the wordpress DB, downloaded the contents files. Then deleted the account from virtualmin and re-created from a-fresh. Re-installed wordpress from the installer script within virtualmin, uploded content files from previous backup and imported DB.
From reading other threads this seems to be maybe some sort of redirect?. I’ve removed the default .htaccess for wordpress to stop the re-direct and there are no “Website redirects” configured within Virtualmin.
I’m at a bit of a loss where to check for where this redirect is, if it is even that.
Any advice or guidance would be appriecahted so i can track this problem down (since its currently throwing cert errors as its using self-signed certs)
My domain is:
I ran this command:
Using webUI within Virtualmin > Server configuration > SSL Certificatie > Lets Encrypt
It produced this output:
Requesting a certificate for sentinelfs.co, www.sentinelfs.co from Let’s Encrypt …
… request failed : Web-based validation failed : Failed to request certificate :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 198, in
File “/usr/share/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 194, in main
signed_crt = get_crt(args.account_key, args.csr, args.acme_dir, log=LOGGER, CA=args.ca, disable_check=args.disable_check, directory_url=args.directory_url, contact=args.contact)
File “/usr/share/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 143, in get_crt
raise ValueError(“Wrote file to {0}, but couldn’t download {1}: {2}”.format(wellknown_path, wellknown_url, e))
ValueError: Wrote file to /home/sentinelfs/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge/T5d2cmSY9zzCjdk36iPcLUA85btXXSrgyFWihbMSUiA, but couldn’t download http://sentinelfs.co/.well-known/acme-challenge/T5d2cmSY9zzCjdk36iPcLUA85btXXSrgyFWihbMSUiA: Error:
Url: http://sentinelfs.co/.well-known/acme-challenge/T5d2cmSY9zzCjdk36iPcLUA85btXXSrgyFWihbMSUiA
Data: None
Response Code: None
Response: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:661)>
My web server is (include version):
Apache 2.4.25
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
Debian 9
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
Self-hosted, Dedicated hardware.
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
Virtualmin - V6.08
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version
or certbot-auto --version
if you’re using Certbot):
Not using Certbot CLI