Error while trying to renew or create a new cert. Other domains in same server update fine

There was a recent thread about this:

(Though it's long and I haven't reread it!)

The issue is:

  • Your website redirects from HTTP to HTTPS. (This is fine!)
  • The ACME client, acme-tiny, makes its own HTTP request to your website to check if the validation works.
  • This request requires a valid certificate. (Even though Let's Encrypt's validation system ironically doesn't.)
  • acme-tiny has an option to disable the check; Webmin doesn't use it.
  • The website's current certificate is expired.

I think the very long thread suggests some workarounds.


Warning: that thread also discusses at least one unrelated issue. You can ignore parts of it.

There's a pull request to disable certificate validation for the check, but it wasn't merged:

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