Can you provide a little more background detail ? the http-01 challenge will be on port 80 (not 5002). You also have a link to an internal IP ( ) is where i have installed boulder instance.
BY default in boulder VA is configured to connect 5002 to validate HTTP-01 challenge. As im facing error, I have changed VA configuration port config to port 80 and 443. But still im facing the challenge failed.
Fake DNS for my boulder is I have modified this in docker-compose file. No im getting the below error.
Yes . I can able to reach it from my browser and can able to view the response.
Have you checked the address resolved and address used. It is which is fake DNS for docker. But the address resolved and address used ip should be my domain’s IP. Please correct me if iam wrong.
It depends what machine you are running the ACME client on
From Boulder
In order to talk to a letsencrypt client running on the host, the fake DNS client used in Boulder's needs to know what the host's IP is from the perspective of the container. The default value is If you'd like your Boulder instance to always talk to some other host, you can set FAKE_DNS to that host's IP address.