I received an email with the information below, how can I proceed?
On June 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to renew your certificates using ACMEv1. You should upgrade to an ACMEv2 compatible client before then, or certificate issuance will fail. For most people, simply upgrading to the latest version of your existing client will suffice. You can view the client list at: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/client-options/
The client is whatever software (which is probably running on the same server as IIS) is making the requests to Let's Encrypt to get your certificates. That's what you need to be upgrading or replacing.
Then that's what you need to upgrade or replace. I'm not personally familiar with it, but you may need to see if there's a current version that supports ACMEv2, or replace it with something else that integrates with IIS.