Unsubscribe: Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement Update

Hi everybody!

How can I unsubscribe this „Newsletter“ on old e-Mails?! :frowning:
„Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement Update“

There is no unsubscribe link inside :-(((

Thanx a lot for any hint

We sent this email to Let's Encrypt subscribers whose client software had submitted their email address when registering with our API. (In some cases, your Web hosting provider may be the subscriber.)

If you would like to change or remove the email address on your Let's Encrypt registration (account), you can have your client software call the /acme/acct API endpoint. If you're using a recent version of Certbot, for example, the command would be certbot update_account --email new@example.com or certbot update_account --register-unsafely-without-email.

Please be aware that removing your email address would mean you'll no longer receive important messages about your certificate(s), including renewal reminders.

If you no longer have access to your account key and would like your email address removed from an old registration, then our Privacy Policy details how you can request that we remove your data.


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