Unable to renew let's encrypt certificate and got error likely firwall issue

What is This ??? Please help me how i can solve it ??//
WARN “Let’s Encrypt™” DCV error (www.accounts.nylex.pro): Fetching http://www.accounts.nylex.pro/.well-known/acme-challenge/I1czInNvvaN6UAumo2jYZjmiI9ymOkL9NG7heLhMSOY: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem) (The server could not connect to the client for validation (urn:acme:error:connection))
WARN “Let’s Encrypt™” DCV

It appears that the cPanel server may have inadvertently blocked the Let’s Encrypt validation servers, or otherwise there is some kind of obstruction between the two networks.


If you’re a customer of GPD Host, you should get in touch with them and ask about it.


HI Thank you for a reply on my issue :slight_smile:

I have my own server and cpanel. Can you Please guide me How can I solve it.

The easiest way is to contact cPanel support. They can help you clear your firewall and get AutoSSL working reliably.

You have probably installed some aggressive security/firewall plugin and it’s caused this situation, but I don’t have any way to know as I can’t see how your server is setup.

Thank you Very much. :wink:

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