Domain name is the-devils-sanctum.info
Plesk Onyx
Version 17.5.3 Update #16
Few days ago we got email about we need to renew SSL Encrypt as about to expire we’re currently getting this error message. I’m re-sellers for the Customer, i just want to renew and will not allow us to-active it saying about to expire.
Hosting Provider OVH - Contacted them about the on-going issues wasn’t helpful contacted Plesk about the same problem none of them on forum able to help me with the currently issues facing.
Errors :
Error: Unable to obtain Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate because of failed challenge for domain “”:
Invalid response from /.well-known/acme-challenge/OdfJC0RYAsXPbsu1MWmgaKgbdmS3J5RXoncqnw9iEpE: " 500 Internal Server Error <B"
I’ve re-write the httaccess file and now getting this error
Error: Unable to obtain Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate because of incorrect DNS configuration for domain (Domain)-Name)
Global DNS contains an AAAA record for IPv6, but in Plesk the domain is assigned only an IPv4 address. To resolve the issue, either add an IPv6 address via Web Hosting Access settings, or remove the AAAA record from the global DNS for the domain. See the related Knowledge Base article for details.
Original error message:
Invalid response from Domain name .well-known/acme-challenge/QYElTN5i__adObFEg2fHBKSvF6CqBN2UxGLlOXPby68: " 404 Not Found
Not Found
<p"I’m getting another error.
Hello, Can anyone shed some light on this…
i’m unable to fix this problem getting cause now i’ve hit the limit cap.
Error: Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate installation failed:
Invalid response from https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz: Error creating new authz :: Too many invalid authorizations recently… Type: urn:acme:error:rateLimited.