Exactly @Amanda, even I searched for a solution to this on Google, StackOverFlow & DuckDuckGo but no luck there.
I’ve also removed it completely via yum and tried installing it via pip (removed it immediately since as far I know it isn’t a good practice as yum & pip often conflict each other due to upgrades in either) but that didn’t solve my issue either. Some more logs for reference are here
Can someone from the community please help us out?
Thanks for recommending certbot-auto @eggsampler which got installed & was useful in regenerating my SSL certificate. However since my earlier one expired, I renewed it this time with a wildcard SSL that generated successfully but I faced a whole lot of other issues.
Here's how that went by:
Installed certbot-auto without a hitch.
Went about renewing my SSL certificate with a wildcard: *.vinayhegde.info within 5 minutes as well. Check this how-to for it.
When I deployed it to my web-server and tested it using SSLShopper, it gave a weird error
Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested example name does not match the server's certificate
Confirmed the issue with a simple curl command to my domain name which persisted post HTTPS redirection too.
Surprisingly, my domain with a www was showing the new SSL perfectly along with the redirection (on HTTPS with www)
After a lot of Google searches, it turned out that wildcard SSL just supports *.example.com, i.e: a.example.com or b.example.com but NOTexample.com itself. More on that here & here
Revoked & deleted all of my current certs, check this article on how-to do so.
Went about regenerating my SSL but now was being rate-limited by LetsEncrypt, read this.
Waited an hour before retrying which finally succeeded.
When doing the above, you need to add a TXT record in your DNS for LetsEncrypt to verify. Note: since you're giving 2 domains as inputs, you'll need 2 TXTs