I finally achieved and I’ve got my certificate in my webserver using certbot. I’ve realised that there are several aspects in my certificate which haven’t been filled up and, although there isn’t any issue not having them especified within the certificate, I’d want at least learn how to do.
Those aspects I’m talking about are Company Name, Department, City, State, Country, and so on. As far as I know, this information is provided with a CSR. But how do pass to certbot a CSR to generate my certificate?
Yes, you can provide those details creating your own CSR but no matters what you put there, Let’s Encrypt will ignore them. Let’s Encrypt only issues DV (Domain Validated) certificates, that data is useful for OV (Organization Validated) or EV (Extended Validation) and that type of certificates are not provided by Let’s Encrypt as it would require a manual process validation from their end.