Can Let's Encrypt generate Certs for custom CSR

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Having recently generated a certificate with certbot, l have found the private key generated to be too weak for my liking. It simply does not meet our minimum expectation. I have tried specifying the key size in the certbot config "cli.ini" but the key generated was not to the specification in the config file.
Consequently, it has become necessary to generate the certificate using our custom generated key and CSR.

Hence, my question is how do we request a certificate using our custom CSR and private key?

If you want a different key type or size, you should be able to get what you want with --key-type to choose between RSA and ECDSA, and then either --rsa-key-size or --elliptic-curve to choose the parameters for it more specifically.

You can use certbot's --csr if you just want certbot to handle the ACME client communication with your own custom CSR integration, but that's usually a lot harder to try to automate.


Thank you for your response. I have figured it out and we are now able to generate certs to our specifications. Panic over