My question is that, I migrated my server to new server by using snapshot. So I have a new ip address on the same domain. Can this situation create renew issues or etc.?
You can try “certbot renew --dry-run”, but it uses Let’s Encrypt’s staging environment, and can have subtly different behavior from the production environment.
In particular, sometimes one will use HTTP-01 validation and the other will use deprecated TLS-SNI-01 validation. (Though not always, and it can be overridden.)
Edit: Also, if you’ve recently validated, it will look like it’s validating again but won’t.
This is the most significant possible problem in the future. Cloudflare issues its own certificates automatically for names that are pointed at it. Then those certificates are used for the connections made by the general public to Cloudflare, while your own certificate is used only for the connection between Cloudflare and your origin server.
In this case in order to avoid having to renew the origin server's certificate at all, it may be easier to use the Cloudflare origin CA instead of Let's Encrypt.
(This can issue a free 10-year certificate valid only between Cloudflare and your origin server.)