This is my first time using LetsEncrypt.
I have successfully managed to manually create a wildcard cert. and upload to an Azure Key-Vault and link the SSL cert. to an Azure Application Gateway - this all works.
certbot certonly --email -d * --agree-tos --manual --force-interactive
openssl pkcs12 -inkey privkey.pem -in cert.pem -certfile chain.pem -export -out ssl_wildcard_dataservice.pfx
Also domain verification works OK.
Because the SSL cert. only has a short life before it needs to be renewed I now need to put in place an automated renewal - what I need to do is...
Azure Key can be linked with 'DigiCert' which is where the company I work for already has an account.
If this means purchasing the wildcard domain via Digicert this is fine.
My question is: as I manually creating the cert(wildcard domain) via LetsEncrypt do I need to some how un-register/delete the cert linked to the wildcard domain before I can register it with Digicert?