Wildcardcertificate for Azure secure LDAP

Hello Community

I am searching for an manual or instruction of using the Azure AD Domain Services secure LDAP function with an wildcard certificate from lets encrypt. This certificate should automatically renew/changed.

Kind Regards

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Hi @HunterMunter

it's always the same.

Start with some basics:

Then select a client.


Good Morning JuergenAuer

and many thanks for your fast answer. I have read the articles, but always don’t know how to set up a Client for Azure to get certificates and transfer them to the secure LDAP.

Kind Regards

If you don't have the know how to use one of the clients, you can't use Letsencrypt certificates.

Then it may be the better option to buy a certificate. Then you have to do all these installation steps manual.

After reading the https://letsencrypt.org/getting-started/ site:

If you have questions about selecting an ACME client, or about using a particular client, or anything else related to Let’s Encrypt, please try our helpful community forums.

I was hoping to get an instruction for this case.

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