Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing…
Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
tls-sni-01 challenge for sonicfiber.pk
tls-sni-01 challenge for www.sonicfiber.pk
Cleaning up challenges
Attempting to renew cert (sonicfiber.pk-0001) from /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/sonicfiber.pk-0001.conf produced an unexpected error: Problem binding to port 443: Could not bind to IPv4 or IPv6… Skipping.
Cert not yet due for renewal
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk-0001/fullchain.pem (failure)
The following certs are not due for renewal yet:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk/fullchain.pem expires on 2019-02-06 (skipped)
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk-0001/fullchain.pem (failure)
You’re using the standalone plugin authenticator, which spins up its own webserver on port 80 (for the currently recommended http challenge) or on port 443 (for the deprecatedtls-sni challenge you’re currently using). But it seems another application is listening on your port 443. And probably on your port 80 too.
Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing…
Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for sonicfiber.pk
http-01 challenge for www.sonicfiber.pk
Waiting for verification…
Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA. Pass “-v” for more info about
Cleaning up challenges
Attempting to renew cert (sonicfiber.pk-0001) from /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/sonicfiber.pk-0001.conf produced an unexpected error: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error finalizing order :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains: sonicfiber.pk,www.sonicfiber.pk: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/. Skipping.
Cert not yet due for renewal
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk-0001/fullchain.pem (failure)
The following certs are not due for renewal yet:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk/fullchain.pem expires on 2019-02-06 (skipped)
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/sonicfiber.pk-0001/fullchain.pem (failure)
I'm in timezone CET (UTC+1), my post was made just before I left for work, so yes, you were waiting
@JuergenAuer He's using the standalone plugin but also has a webserver running on port 80. So changing from tls-sni to http doesn't really work, @fayaz needs to change the authenticator plugin to either apache/nginx or the webroot plugin.
@fayaz Is there a specific reason you're running the standalone plugin? Did you use some sort of guide the first time you issued a certificate? If so, which one? Also, which webserver are you running?
That looks like your running apache on ports 80 and 443.
So you should NOT be using --standalone
Try: certbot renew --apache --preferred-challenges http
If you run into any problems, please show: certbot --version apache2 -v