SSL certificate

My clients needs a documentation for SSL certificate. where can i get it? thank you

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What do you mean by "documentation"?

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they're asking for a softcopy of ssl certificate

A "softcopy of ssl certificate" would be a certificate. The docs linked above should get you started. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask in detail--nobody here is a mind-reader.


Relaying Osiris' question again: What do you mean by "documentation"?

If you mean actual physical paper with certificate details and whatnot written on it: LE doesn't provide such things.


With my Google-FU I determined that a 'soft copy' of a certificate is the opposite of a certificate contained in a smartcard or otherwise hardware solution. As Dan already said: i.e., a certificate as a simple file.

However, usually certificates on smartcards are, as far as I know, not used by webservers and/or e.g. mailservers, but for e.g. authentication.

Let's Encrypt only offers "Domain Validated" (DV) certificates: i.e., a certificate for a specific (set of) hostname(s) for usage in the web PKI.

I'd like to invite @Bam to explain the purpose of this "softcopy" with utmost details, because currently we're just doing the age old guessing game.


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