SCAMMERS using Let's Encrypt SSL Cert

There are several Scan/Fakeshops promoted on Facebook
(right now) using the Let’s Encrypt SSL Certs - shouldn’t that be removed asap?


This has come up several times here:

These threads will tell you what you can do about these instances, and what Let's Encrypt's position is regarding such issues.


Sorry - will check that out!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Short version is that LE’s position is “what people do with our certs isn’t our problem, but we do check the Safe Browsing list before we issue.” I expect one or more of those threads will link to their actual position statement on the subject.

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Already got it - will Report it to Google/Go Daddy & PayPal because Facebook doesn’t give a … (even they got informed about this fraud network promotion going on)

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