/root/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/pip: No such file or directory

Slowly i am getting crazy of it ;). I am indeed following https://gethttpsforfree.com/ step by step (exactly), because that’s the only “tutorial” where they make it a little bit understandable for “newbies” as me.

On that website they are not talking about domain.ctr …it’s just coming out of nothing in the last step. They are giving me 2 certificates at the end. The signed one and the intermediate one. They are saying that i have to put the 2 certificates in one file called chained.pem.

And then again at the end they are coming with “/etc/ssl/certs/intermediate.pem” out of nothing. They only said that i had to put that intermediate certicate in the chained.pem file and they did not talk about putting it in intermediate.pem or something??

So about domain.crt they were also not saying anything before, so i saved it nowhere, because there was nothing about it in the documentation of https://gethttpsforfree.com