Root certificate creation

I am looking for how to generate a root certificate to upload to my server and then create client certificate.
Requirement is : client certificate will be installed on client devices, and access to server from devices only permitted.

if the client has no certificate then that client will not able to access server

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In the past, I've stumbled upon the guide at OpenSSL Certificate Authority — Jamie Nguyen and I've used this for my personal CA.

If you don't require server certificates, you can skip those parts and focus on the client certificate part.

This guide uses OpenSSL on the command line and I'm pretty sure there are probably easier applications that can do it with a single mouse click, but I'm not familiar with those, except for what was llinked above :man_shrugging:t2: (With the distinction that those applications are often for server certificates and not for client certificates, but that usually doesn't really matter. Except that you don't use FQDN but some other identifier in the CommonName. I don't think the SAN extension is required or useful for client certificates.


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