I would like to clarify who has to request a LetsEncrypt rate limit override in a hosting provider/customer scenario.
We have a setup where we have a domain in PSL. When a customer signs up, they are allocated a domain, i.e customerX.tld
They sign up devices and in some cases, these devices can be provisioned LetsEncrypt certificates via the DNS-01 challenge flow for DNS names like deviceN.customerX.tld.
All of the DNS infrastructure is owned by us (so a customer device who needs a certificate mints private key locally and talks to LetsEncyrpt to get a cert, but the DNS resources are provisioned our side (not customers')).
We are now having a customer who is predicted to need to issue certificates for slightly more than 50 such devices at once, so we need a slight rate limit bump for the 50 unique certificates per domain rate limit.
We are considering just submitting a request form to bump the rate limit for customerX.tld domain, however I was wondering if there is a preference for whether it should be us (the hosting provider) or our customer who submits the form?
Thank you,