Rate limit override for certs issued for a domain delegated to a customer - who should request it


I would like to clarify who has to request a LetsEncrypt rate limit override in a hosting provider/customer scenario.

We have a setup where we have a domain in PSL. When a customer signs up, they are allocated a domain, i.e customerX.tld

They sign up devices and in some cases, these devices can be provisioned LetsEncrypt certificates via the DNS-01 challenge flow for DNS names like deviceN.customerX.tld.
All of the DNS infrastructure is owned by us (so a customer device who needs a certificate mints private key locally and talks to LetsEncyrpt to get a cert, but the DNS resources are provisioned our side (not customers')).

We are now having a customer who is predicted to need to issue certificates for slightly more than 50 such devices at once, so we need a slight rate limit bump for the 50 unique certificates per domain rate limit.

We are considering just submitting a request form to bump the rate limit for customerX.tld domain, however I was wondering if there is a preference for whether it should be us (the hosting provider) or our customer who submits the form?

Thank you,

It doesn't matter too much so long as whoever submits the form can explain the use-case, answer questions, and be reachable in the future for any follow-ups. Ideally it would be the Let's Encrypt subscriber, ie, whoever is running the ACME client and has agreed to the subscriber agreement, etc. But that doesn't matter too much, really.


Thank you very much

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