Posh-ACME is a PowerShell based ACMEv2 client that supports both Windows PowerShell 5.1+ and PowerShell Core 6.0+. You can find the project site here:
You can download directly from GitHub or install via PowerShellGallery.
Here are the 3.7.0 release notes from the changelog:
- Submit-Renewal now has a PluginArgs parameter to make it easier to update plugin credentials without needing to create a new order from scratch. (Thanks @matt-FFFFFF)
- The FriendlyName parameter in New-PACertificate and New-PAOrder now defaults to the certificate’s primary name instead of an empty string to avoid a Windows bug that can occur when installing the generated PFX files.
- Fixed Windows plugin issue when using WinZoneScope and not all zones have that scope (#168)
- Fixed an internal bug with Export-PACertFiles that luckily didn’t cause problems due to PowerShell variable scoping rules.
- Fixed a typo in the Cloudflare guide examples. (Thanks @mccanney)