If they are correct. Please try again in 5-10mins. It means Let's Encrypt is too busy.
I'm using a shared hosted vm on GoDaddy and it does not allow me to install certbot on the vm to renew via the cli. To work around this, I generate the certificate via this website "https://punchsalad.com/ssl-certificate-generator/" and then copy the certs to the GoDaddy / cPanel interface. I have two servers setup like this. the certificate was renewed for the one but this one fails. The domain does work as you can access it after you accept the security notice.
I have retired the process but get the same error. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I discourage using PxSalad at all. It handles the ACME interaction on its own servers so has access to your private key. I don't know that they abuse that. But, it's best practice to keep your private key, well, private.
It's almost certain the error is from their website and is not related to Let's Encrypt at all.
A Let's Debug test shows no problems with your domain. A different ACME client is the way to go such as CertSage as 9peppe already noted (search this forum for it)