Hello Dear griffin,
this is sima mtn.com.af' website new manager
writing for help, would you please share me the person ID who had registered mtn.com.af with lets encrypt.
thank you in advance, looking forward.
Hello Dear griffin,
this is sima mtn.com.af' website new manager
writing for help, would you please share me the person ID who had registered mtn.com.af with lets encrypt.
thank you in advance, looking forward.
Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community
I would have no way of knowing that information. What is your concern though?
Why do you require that information?
You probably could also just update an existing ACME account with a new email address or if necessary register a new ACME account entirely (assuming the current ACME account isn't coupled to rate limit excemptions and/or E1 issuance).
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