Obtain fake certificate in "staging" mode without authorization

I have successfully rolled out Let’s Encrypt on a Ubuntu machine (16.04) using the bundled letsencrypt client. I use Ansible to configure the whole system, including calling letsencrypt with the appropriate command line options.

I also have a local Virtualbox VM which is not reachable from the outside world. It allows me to test changes before I roll them out to the production environment. I use exactly the same Ansible setup for it, albeit with some different “testing” variables.

Before using Let’s Encrypt, I would just copy the production certificate to the testing environment also and ignore the certificate warnings when I open the web pages in the browser.

With Let’s Encrypt, I can’t do that anymore: The client won’t issue me a certificate, even if I pass --staging. I get this error:

 - The following errors were reported by the server:

   Domain: ci.isabelle.systems
   Type:   unauthorized
   Detail: Incorrect validation certificate for TLS-SNI-01 challenge.
   from Received certificate containing

   To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
   entered correctly and the DNS A record(s) for that domain
   contain(s) the right IP address.

Is there any way I can get the letsencrypt client to issue me a fake certificate without any kind of authorization?

In terms of the letsencrypt client (certbot) no.

There are a few other options though, depending on exactly what you need.

you say

Before using Let's Encrypt, I would just copy the production certificate to the testing environment also and ignore the certificate warnings when I open the web pages in the browser.

well, you could do exactly the same now.

You could self certify a certificate for that test domain

You could validate it using the DNS challenge - and then have a full LE cert for the domain ....

Right, sure. But that would defeat the point of the testing environment – it wouldn't test the actual letsencrypt invocation.

This won't work; I do control the DNS, but it's not a supported provider for the various scripts floating around.

As long has it has an API to add / change the DNS records then it's pretty easy to do.

That's the problem: they don't.

Can you temporarily port forward port 80 to your VM machine whilst you complete verification of your test site ?

Sadly no; as I said, it’s a VM which runs on a host which is behind a firewall and thus not reachable from the outside.

Since it is completely unreachable, you aren’t going to be able to verify ownership - hence letsencrypt can’t issue a cert.

If you want to test the full letsencrypt invocation the only other thing that springs to mind, is setting up another VM, which has a copy of LE’s staging server … and obtain fake certificates from that ( they would be identical to the LE staging fake certs.

It’s a bit more work, but would allow you to test the full setup.

Right. I'll think about it. Although it might make sense to integrate something like that into the official server (but I can't judge how much work that would be or whether many other people would consider this a worthy feature).

From a personal point of view, I take the alternative approach, and have a development version of accounts on a VPS (realtively cheap, only a few $ / month from some providers) and then duplicate the exact setup there (rather than a VM). That way it’s accessible from the internet in the same way as the real domain for testing - I simply firewall off the bulk of traffic.

For setting up your own local version of the ACME server used by LE - see boulder on github

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