Multiple/different domain point to same IP address for certbot Certificate

Hi Team,
I have different/multiple domains or sub-domains of more than (10+million) like,,, etc., where all the domains are pointed to the same IP ADDRESS.
I was creating certbot certificate for each domain which was pointed to same IP address and it working fine.
My question is, for example if 50000+ domains was renewing their certificate after 90days of expiry on the same day, will all the domain get the certificate(its all pointed to same IP ADDRESS) on the same day or there is any rate limit.
And what is the maximum rate limit?

Check here:

See also:



You shouldn't wait until 90 days into the certificate lifetime: that lifetime is just 90 days, so you'd be either very close to expiry or the cert has expired already. Let's Encrypt currently recommends to renew after 60 days into the cert lifetime (i.e.: 30 days before expiry).

Also, the IP address doesn't matter with regard to most rate limits: only the amount of new accounts registered per 3 hours is limited to an IP address (range). All the other rate limits are either with regard to the registered domain, exact set of hostnames or the account.


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