Hey gang, gonna keep this short and sweet; so whenever we renew our certificates, they get put as a symlink in the certbot/live folder that leads to the archive folder - I have a web hosting application that needs the actual certificate files, privkey and fullchain, in a specific folder to recognize them. Before, I had to manually move them over to that specific folder, and I was wondering how and if one could possibly make it so that when certbot autoruns the renew command that it just puts them in there, a copy or whatever, automatically?
It's called FoundryVTT, it's a virtual tabletop built in Java I believe - I don't know why really, the SSL certificate part of the application just requires you give it a path for where the certificates are stored.
However if you point it to live/domain_name where the symlinks are, the program just auto crashes, which is incredibly whacky.
I'm not particularly tech savvy when it comes to networks (opening ports is where I usually draw the line hehe) so I might have to give up on this haha
No, none at all. If I copy the symlinks, "move them", into the config folder of FoundryVTT, it accepts them and lets anyone connecting to the domain see that it's a safe connection.
The FoundryVTT docs are clear and persistent in saying to copy them to its own config folder
As Osiris noted, Certbot --deploy-hook should make that easy.
Or, create your own script to run certbot renew and then copy them to Foundry. They may not be new but copying each time shouldn't be trouble. Does Foundry need restarting after a fresh cert?
Very possibly. And I agree best to avoid extra copies. But, Foundry may just have restrictions on paths in its config system. No folder names are ever shown as examples.
I only have foundry running whenever I need to use it, so it wouldn't be a problem. I am unsure how to effectively use the --deploy-hook command as whenever I use it I get massive texts saying it's not in path. Foundry is currently on my (F:) Drive if that matters ?