It is invoked to format a message. The partial SAMPLE is below. Could this problem be related to changes to your local mail package?
# Edit the USER you want to notify. Comment the "msg=" lines where
# you do not want to receive notifications for.
... (formatting)
if test "x$msg" = "x"; then exit 0; fi
mail -s "$subject" "$USER" <<EOF
Your last good cert was issued July 28 so any changes after that might just be seen now (or starting Sep 27 like you see as that is when renewal attempts would have started).
Thank you very much for pointing out to the "mail" - indeed, the cmd format of it changed in summer. I corrected the md_message,sh accordingly and now it seems working again.
The mail cmd before correction was:
mail -s "$subject" -r $USER <<EOF
now it is:
mail -s "$subject" $USER <<EOF