Apache/mod_md questions

Some simple, I hope, questions, if anyone happens to know:

  1. When I contact the Let's Encrypt staging server (acme-staging-v02) when initially trying to install a certificate, the MDMessageCmd callback returns renewal. If I then reload Apache I don't get a second callback. Is this expected behaviour (I don't get an installed)? What happens when I carry out an installation with the real server? I want the MDMessageCmd script to do an Apache reload, so I need some way to distinguish between installation and renewal
  2. If I get the Apache config wrong then mod_md returns errored, and retries at a later time. Is there some way to restart this process when I fix the config? If I just restart Apache, then I still have to wait some time until mod_md realises that the configuration has changed
  3. How do I get the mod_md version number? I can't find it in the Apache log files, even when I set LogeLevel info md:trace5 (Ubuntu 20.04, Apache 2.4.41)



Good questions which I do not know the answer to. Perhaps another volunteer will.

You might try at the mod_md github. The author hangs out there.


I thought he hung out here... :slightly_smiling_face:

I've got to say, though, after a few hours work, that mod_md looks a very usable (better?) alternative to Certbot, without the hassle of needing snaps to install it.


Maybe here too. But, they'll get alerted to new issues on the github and here you'd need to hope they notice it :slight_smile:

I agree mod_md looks very nice.


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