Hi. I'm absolutely newbie in Apple devices. Trying to help my wife with this certificate issue. I get into Keychain Access but can't find "Show expired certificates" option there. I checked all the strings and "expiring" column in "All items" list and in "Certificates" and "My certificates" and "Keys" but there are no any expired objects.
What else can I do?
Hi @CoxDevalis welcome to the LE community forum
I don't have a Mac (in front of me), so I can only go with what we both are reading.
Those instructions say "
Step #1 locate the "View menu" [what is a view menu?]
Feel free to use your Google-foo chops to help if it can - LOL
While I look for Mac to test this out on...
I also found this related recent post:
With what appear to be much simpler/shorter instructions.
Yeah I became too stupid with my Windows devices. Still can't find View menu. Apple official manual says there are no "View menu". The only "menus" in Mac OS are:
- Menu bar menu
- Contextual menu
- Dock menu.
That's what I found with Google.
And I can't get to this page with that MacBook. community.letsencrypt.org page cannot be loaded - blank page.
hey what about your searchings of View menu?
I spent a lot of time trying to find it and still have no success.
I've tried Google, DuckDuckGo, AOL and some regional searching system - nobody ever seen any View Menu in Mac OS.
Please someone help.
Still waiting for a MacBook laptop...
Did you go through the other (shorter) solution?
Not yet. I want to try to solve this without downloads. Anyway as I said before I can't get here with that Macbook.
Maybe are are just reading it "too literally".
Can the be understood any other way - lost in translation error...
locate "view menu"
find the menu to see things...
click menu then view stuff...
Maybe. But I've searched every inch of that window and still can't find anything similar with View menu or "Show expired certificates". I can't even find those certificates in all lists of Keychain Access menu. I'm saying about DST Root CA X3 and others.
Have a look at this too:
safari - How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El Capitan)? - Ask Different (stackexchange.com)
On the Mac, all menus are in the menu bar at the top of the screen, not attached to application windows. The menu bar shows the menu only for the active application (and the Apple menu). Look at the top left of the screen:
Click here to:
Well are they OR aren't they INVISIBLE?
Oh yes, I couldn't even imagine that. Yeah, I found this. And I guess that issue is solved. Just tried a couple of sites that I had been experienced issues with - both of them work fine at 1st look.
Thank you very much and thank you @rg305 for your exclusive attention.
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