Link to installer for Windows giving 404

instructions: Certbot Instructions | Certbot
broken link:

I tried downloading the apache tar.gz but the python setup file does nothing and the readme doesn't explain anything

The EFF discontinued support for Certbot on Windows Feb 2024. I don't know why they still have a link to it. And, a broken one at that.

But, you should not use Certbot for a new Windows setup. See their announcement here: Certbot Discontinuing Windows Beta Support in 2024

That announcement includes suggested alternatives. The easiest to use is Certify The Web. It is the first one listed in the EFF announcement. Or here:


An issue reporting this half a year ago (Certbot install link broken on · Issue #812 · certbot/website · GitHub) was closed by the issuer. Someone involved with the Certbot project mentioned "Thanks for letting us know" (@wgreenberg), but I'm not sure if it's actually still on their radar? As the issue has been closed by the issuer themselves..