You may also want to see this, if you haven't yet, about the certbot team no longer supporting Windows:
It was always kind of awkward, and only worked well when running other traditionally-linuxy-stuff like Apache on Windows as well. You're usually much better off with any of the Windows ACME clients, which are more designed for integrating with the Windows ecosystem.
I think the most popular are Certify the Web (for the GUI fan), win-acme (for the command line fan), and Posh-ACME (for the Powershell fan). They're all fine choices to my understanding, though I don't have any personal experience with them.
(And yeah, EFF/Certbot not updating their site to make things clear to Windows users isn't helping the word get out.)
You would do well to look at simple-acme if you are considering win-acme. It is a fork of win-acme by the principal maintainer of that. Read about the reasons here:
I am not suggesting this "over" Certify the Web or Posh-ACME. Just if you were looking at win-acme you might be better served by simple-acme