LetsEncrypt Cert with EC2 Bitnami

Great news!

I was able to complete the force SSL and I can verify the certificate is active using the following link (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=baim.tv)

However, when I try to access the website using the URL: https://www.baim.tv I get an error and the WordPress URL Settings is greyed out and I cannot change to https.

How do I correct this/


The trouble is that www.baim.tv doesn’t exist at all in your DNS zone. You’ll need to create it in DNS as a first step.

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Hi Schoen,

I am not sure where you are referring the DNS Zone be added. If you are referring to AWS is there as I was able to access the cite prior to forcing https. Could you please be more detailed or specific?



I don’t know how your DNS is handled, but there is literally no such name as www.baim.tv right now. This is independent of the existence of a certificate; nobody can find it on the Internet using any kind of software for any purpose because your DNS servers don’t agree that the name exists at all!

It does look like AWS is responsible for your DNS records.



As far as I can see, it looks like the record is there. What am I missing?


Those all refer to baim.tv, not www.baim.tv.

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Oh ok! So do I need to add them both or do I change the one to add www?

If you want people to be able to access the service regardless of which name they type in, you need to add both.

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Oh, ok, this is new for me, so thank you for your patience. I have added another DNS record. Is this correct now?

Yes, but apparently your nameserver doesn’t know about it yet for some reason. Did you commit this change?

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that last line is unnecessary and is causing the problem:


As far as I know I did. How can I check?


Not sure what you mean.

the last line in your dns02.jpeg file is the problem
the NS entry for www.baim.tv

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ok, i deleted it.does this look correct now?

the picture looks good
but it hasn’t yet propagated out to all the DNS servers: http://dnsviz.net/d/www.baim.tv/dnssec/

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ok, so do we just wait now and see?

It looks like it should be fine now…
try and try again

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I’m getting security errors when i try to access the website.

the certificate is only for "baim.tv"
SSL Server Test: www.baim.tv (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)
you need to get a new cert for both names:

if that is the last command you ran, then just add the www at the end
./certbot-auto certonly --webroot -w /home/bitnami/htdocs/ -d baim.tv -d www.baim.tv

NOTE: using "certonly" requires some additional manual step(s) to use the new cert.
I would rather use the apache plugin, if that works.

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