Is the wildcard SSL support RHEL 7 and above.
Thank You!
Is the wildcard SSL support RHEL 7 and above.
Thank You!
Wildcards are absolutely supported under RHEL 7. Like all wildcard certificates, they require the use of DNS validation. I’d recommend using, both since it isn’t a tangled mess of dependencies the way certbot is, and because it has much better support for DNS providers’ APIs.
Thank You! for prompt response and Info
Please share me the Wildcard SSL certificate installation document for RHEL7
Installation is going to be entirely up to you. “RHEL7”, as such, doesn’t use certificates at all; rather, many services that you can choose to run on it (e.g., Apache, Nginx, Postfix, Asterisk, MariaDB, etc.) do. The instructions for installing a certificate in any of those services will be different–each will have its own configuration options, each will expect its certs to be in a different location, and each will require a different command or sequence of commands to tell the service to read a new cert.
To get the cert in the first place, consult the docs for at the link I gave you above. You’ll need to use DNS validation; the documentation covers how to do that in some detail.
Hi @nithinknk
there is no such document.
Start with
then read something about challenge types:
Next step: Select a client and use it. Then it's client specific.
I have successfully installed Wildcard SSL on my RHEL.
Could you please help me…How to check the Wildcard SSL auto renewal is enabled or not and where i need to check.
Thank You!
How did you install it?
I followed below link
You did not get a wildcard cert following those instructions.
By using following command i have created wildcard SSL
'./certbot-auto certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns --server --manual-public-ip-logging-ok -d '*.domainname.inf -d domainname.inf"
So you have to do that every 60 - 85 days. Read
How do i mention auto renewal .
After Automatically enable HTTPS , where can i found the auto-renewal information in server level.
How do i put it auto renewal.
Thank You!
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