How to create Let's Encrypt wilcard ssl certificate auto (not manuall)
- Use a DNS plugin to your ACME client, if available, such as the DNS plugins provided by certbot or the DNS scripts provided by other ACME clients (if available);
- Script the adding and removing of the required TXT records yourself and use that as a
in the case of certbot.
To perhaps amplify a bit on what @Osiris said: Let's Encrypt will only issue wildcard certs using DNS validation, which requires you to create TXT records with specified contents in order to validate domain control. If you want (as you should) to be able to do that automatically, without manual interaction, your client will need to be able to create (and delete, once their usefulness has expired) those records automatically, or to run something else that will handle that task. Hence the two suggestions made above.
See for some hints.
Not help
Then please explain exactly what you're trying do to, what you're attempting in order to make it happen, and where you're having problems. Feel free--encouraged, even--to use multiple complete sentences to explain your problem.
I would like to create wildcard certificate automatic via let’s encrypt
Start here:
then proceed to here:
You already have the answer to this, three times over. Where are you having problems?
And apparently I was being too subtle here--not a common problem I have:
I mean, explain your problem, in detail. I'm not going to to put more work into solving your problem than you put into explaining it. Again, you've already been given the answer to your question. Clearly you aren't understanding at least part of it. So what aren't you understanding? Work with us here--I'm not going to play a game of 20 questions just to figure out what you want.
Hi thank for your reply
I can’t find solution with let’s encrypt that will do auto renew wildcard certificate ,
If the second link I gave you (along with the rest of the information already given) doesn't help, nothing will.
You answer but not related to my question
You not help
I write to you over 3 times and you don’t help ,
I don’t understand why you don’t help and not answer related to my issue ;(
What exactly are you looking for?
If you ask a very generic question, you will get very generic questions, such as my answer in the very first reply. If you require answers with more depth, you will need to provide us with more information.
How to renew let’s encrypt auto wildcard certificate with Linux or windows platform
The process of renewing a certificate is the same as the process of acquiring a new certificate except that renewal is usually automated based on a task setup by the ACME client software that was used to acquire the original certificate. Acquisition (or renewal) of a wildcard certificate requires satisfaction of at least one DNS-01 challenge.
In turn, you will have to find a way to allow your Let's Encrypt client software to automatically change your DNS records. This is a policy requirement from Let's Encrypt for wildcard certificates, which does not apply to non-wildcard certificates.
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