Hi everyone,
i am trying to create a webserver, running on Ubuntu 18.04, using nginx+quiche, and it seems that SSL certificate is needed. The domain that i registered is www.http3testing.duckdns.org , but the ip adress is a private one ( since that is what im using in a private network of VMs built with vagrant.
Running the command on the webserver:
"certbot certonly --standalone --non-interactive --agree-tos -d www.http3testing.duckdns.org -m myemail@example"
it gives me the error:
"no valid A records found for www.http3testing.duckdns.org; no valid AAAA records found for www.http3testing.duckdns.org".
Trying to resolve it i changed the ip of the domain to my personal ip of my windows machine, then i installed certbot and ran the same command on the windows terminal, and this time the error was different:
" Fetching http://www.http3testing.duckdns.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/-TodH6n3DMUMiED9C0J9WMJ6O6Gjh7zY61szYOrv1Os: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)"
At this point i disabled the firewall on my system, but the error persisted. I think i am approaching it in the wrong way. Im relatively new to this and i don't know what to do. My objective is to get 2 files: fullchain.pem
and privkey.pem
, since those are what i need to put in a specific folder later.
Thanks for your time