Issue setting up cert - my site is down now. Need Help

Attempting to add a new cert to our site. It wasn’t loading. Tried it again and again and it didn’t work. Finally got an error saying the number of tries for this week are up. How can I get my cert back up asap. Downtime is going to hurt my business.

Attempting to renew cert from /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/ produced an unexpected error: urn:acme:error:rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains: Skipping.

The certificates were renewed (you can see at ) and should exist on your server (in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ), you weren’t using them in your server config correctly though (I assume) hence you kept asking for them to be renewed.

I see you have an alternate SSL cert at the moment. Do you want to continue using that? or help getting the LE cert working ?

Thanks for responding. I’m not sure what happened. We followed the same install as last time.

We did want to continue using Letsencrypt but we couldn’t afford the downtime so went ahead and purchased a year through our domain provider.

Thanks anyway.

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