I have 6 domains: example.com + second.com + 4 others
Now I have some working certificate from letsencrypt
mail.example.com, git.example.com, a.s.o. -
I successfully run a dry-run command to create a single certificate containing
- example.com
- *.example.com
- second.com
- *.second.com
- a.s.o.
On Fedora:
certbot certonly
--config-dir .
--work-dir .
--logs-dir log
--agree-tos --email a@b.b
--cert-name AAA-all-certificates
--dns-rfc2136 --dns-rfc2136-credentials letsencrypt.conf.ini
--server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
-d example.com -d '.example.com'
-d second.ch -d '.second.ch'
-d third.ch -d '*.third.ch'
- My goal is
- to keep mail.example.com, git.example.com, a.s.o.
- and at the same time have a multi-wildcard certificate
- My question is
- does letsencrypt revokes my old certificates?
- (I will migrate the other servers, but mail.example.com will remain as it is in any case)