Incorrect expiration notice (incorrect domain)

Hi there,

I have just received an e-mail from the Let’s Encrypt Expiry Bot about a SSL certificate that is due to expire. I manage a lot of domains and get these e-mails regularly, so my e-mail address is known. The thing with this particular e-mail is that I don’t own or manage this domain/SSL certificate. It is from a company unknown to me.

It is sent to my company e-mail address and I have a not-so common lastname (which is in the email address), so it is unlikely someone typed in the wrong e-mail address by accident.

Is this a hickup with Let’s Encrypt? Did other people encounter this?

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If the domain notice you received doesn’t belong to you, you can / should safely discard the email.
It might be someone who was entering a random email address and yours have a match.

There are people who reported to this community that they received the email in mistake, and the best way is to discard the email. Since you also have other renewal notices sent to your address, please don’t click on the unsubscribe link (as it’ll unsubscribe you from all notices for 1 year)

Thank you


Does this particular domain reside on a hosting provider with some of the other domains you manage?

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@Phil, I have double checked, but no. The particular website is using, we don’t do any business with them. We only host our own VPS’s. If it helps I can forward you the e-mail?

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