Hello i’m new here and i need some kind of help i wanna change my domain from the http to https how ever the problem is i run windows server 2016(and i use python to run my site) are there any people that could help me?
for hosting i use nginx
This is more of an implementation forum (than a design one).
And specifically with LetsEncrypt certs and related ACME clients.
That said, if your python enabled site can do HTTPS, then there is no redesign required and all you need is a Windows ACME client to get (and renew) the cert that it will use.
If the python enabled site can’t do HTTPS, then you may need to introduce an HTTPS capable Windows proxy to handle the TLS [but that is (re)design and not really the purpose of this forum].
So in either case, you will need to use a Windows ACME client.
And you can do that first and independently of any implementation.
I’m familiar with these ACME clients for Windows (and their creators are frequent contributors to this community and the #help category, so they might stop by):
Other options available here:
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