Our server works with certificates delivered by let’s encrypt since 2017, at this time (2017) we had debian 7 this version of debian does not have a packaged version of certbot, so, I downloaded and installed certbot-auto by following the instructions given in the documentation specific to my type of web server and my operating system. Yesterday, I mistakenly deleted the certbot-auto directory that was in “/ root” directory and now I do not know what to do, I usually execute the following commands: /root/certbot-auto/certificates to see the list of certificates
and /root/certbot-auto/renew to renew one of the two certificates
what should I do? should I reinstall certbot?
My web server is apache
The operating system my web server runs on is Debian 9
We have a dedicated server
I can login to a root shell on my machine
The version of my client is (Ie.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you’re using Certbot): I can’t execute these commandes since certbot-auto is deleted
First, thank you for your answers.
No, there are only one “/” after each “certbot-auto”
To install certbot-auto on Debian 7 I did the following :
1 / I executed the command below to download certbot-auto: wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto chmod a+x certbot-auto
2 / then, to install it, I executed this command: ./certbot-auto
Can I repeat the same procedure to install certbot-auto on Debian 9?