Certbot missing after ubuntu upgrade

I upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 a few months back. Now my certs have expired. After looking to see why my auto renew didn’t work, I find no trace of certbot. All my /etc/letsencrypt files are still there including the /etc/letsencrypt/renewal files.
What is the best way forward from here? Can I just re-install certbot without messing anything up?

My web server is (include version): Apache 2.4.18

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Ubuntu 16.04.6

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): Yes

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Do you remember how Certbot was installed before?

Are there any results (other than the configuration files) if you run something like “sudo find /bin /etc /opt /root /usr -name '*certbot*' -o -name '*letsencrypt*'”?

(Note: If you were using certbot-auto/letsencrypt-auto, you might have placed the script in /etc/letsencrypt.)

Or “dpkg -l | grep -e certbot -e letsencrypt”?

Installing Certbot shouldn’t harm your configuration. (It’s always prudent to have backups, though.) You might have trouble renewing or issuing new certificates, though: For example if you used a certain plugin, but you reinstall Certbot without it. Or if there are multiple cron jobs or systemd timers doing slightly different things.

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I believe it was installed with instructions from letsencrypt most likely with apt-get.
Below is from: sudo find /bin /etc /opt /root /usr -name '*certbot*' -o -name '*letsencrypt*'


Below is output from: dpkg -l | grep -e certbot -e letsencrypt

rc certbot 0.31.0-1+ubuntu14.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-acme 0.31.0-2+ubuntu16.04.6+certbot+2
ii python-asn1crypto 0.22.0-2+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-augeas 0.5.0-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-certifi 2017.4.17-2+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-cffi-backend 1.10.0-0.1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-chardet 3.0.4-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+2
ii python-configargparse 0.11.0-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-configobj 5.0.6-2+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-cryptography 1.9-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+2
ii python-dialog 3.3.0-2+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-dnspython 1.15.0-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-future 0.15.2-4+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+3
ii python-idna 2.5-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-ipaddress 1.0.17-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-josepy 1.1.0-2+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-ndg-httpsclient 0.4.2-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-openssl 17.3.0-1~0+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-parsedatetime 2.4-3+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+3
ii python-pkg-resources 33.1.1-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-psutil 5.0.1-1+certbot~xenial+2
ii python-pyasn1 0.1.9-2+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-requests 2.18.1-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-requests-toolbelt 0.8.0-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-rfc3339 1.0-4+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-setuptools 33.1.1-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python-six 1.11.0-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-urllib3 1.21.1-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-zope.component 4.3.0-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+3
ii python-zope.hookable 4.0.4-4+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python-zope.interface 4.3.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python3-certifi 2017.4.17-2+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python3-chardet 3.0.4-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+2
ii python3-idna 2.5-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python3-pkg-resources 33.1.1-1+certbot~xenial+1
ii python3-pyasn1 0.1.9-2+certbot~xenial+1
ii python3-requests 2.18.1-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python3-six 1.11.0-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1
ii python3-urllib3 1.21.1-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1

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Yeah, that seems to be the case.

I guess you were using the PPA, and it got deactivated during the Ubuntu upgrade.

You can reenable it, perhaps by editing that file (and changing "trusty" to "xenial"), or just by running "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot".

And then you could reinstall it with "sudo apt install certbot". (You might also want python3-certbot-nginx or whatever.)

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Thanks, I will try adding the repository and installing certbot again.

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Thanks again for the help, the re-install fixed the issues.

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