How to manually renew a certificate?

At the bottom, links to its source at GitHub - diafygi/gethttpsforfree: Source code for There you can see:

TODO (pull requests welcome):

  • renew.html - A page with steps for renewing certificates

So it seems like the renewal page is just not done yet.

If you want/can use the letsencrypt-auto program instead, this worked for me (but alas I am not sure if it also works if you didn't use letsencrypt-auto in the same directory when you got your first cert):

To test it:

./letsencrypt-auto certonly --renew --email -a manual -d --dry-run --agree-tos

It will ask you to put a file on your server, that's probably the same as step 4 of

To really run it:

./letsencrypt-auto certonly --renew --email -a manual -d

You can run this on a machine that is not your web server. You only need to put the verification file on the web server.

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