My server SSL needs renewed and Cpannel won’t let the subdomain host name to cpannel to renew the ssl because its being used else where.
I’m sure I could run a comand to fix it just not sure where to start.
My server host name is thats setup in whm. When I go to cpanel for that domain I can’t add a SSL for the the subdomain
Error when triying to create the subdoamain in cpanel.
There was a problem creating the sub-domain:
Sorry you cannot create a subdomain with the same name as the hostname of this machine
Let’s encrypt doesn’t let me create an SSL for that inside cpanel.
For this issue:
First it’s off-topic, you should contact cPanel support
Secondly, the server ssl TLS certificate configuration is located under whm panel Your host name/cpanel session id/scripts2/manageservicecrts
Also, whm should assign you one year free positive certificate when you first install the server (panel)