Hiting Rate Limits - Download?

I love let’s encrypt very much, even if i still not figures out, how to get certificates for the subdomains.
My problem is very easy to explain.

I had to reinstall my virtual environment several times. (Backupstorage costs extra :wink: )
Is there a possibility to download existing certificates by the command line?

Yes - 10 in one week for the same domain. And yes - 10 reinstalls … very sad in the moment.
Always cause the mailserver wanted to deinstall apache all the time.

I can’t start developing the website without HTTPS Lets Encrypt Cert.
Thanks for any idea…

No (you can download the certificate, because it's public, but not the private key, so it will be useless)


You hit the limit because you asked too many time the exact same certificate. But if - temporary - you create a certificate for two domains, the one you want and a useless subdomain, it will not be the exact same certificate... (but you will need to clean that after, for the renewal, in less than tree month!

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Hi tedelmas,
i tried to use the certificate of a subdomain and firefox says : “bad bad idea”
So when can i try to get a new certificate from let’s encrypt?

In the documentation everyone can read : “enough” certs are available until the rate limit starts… so, technical problems are not belonging to that?

Ok… i have a problem…

I'll reformulate:

You want a certificate for example.com. There is a limit of 5 identical certificate per 7 days: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ so you have two options:

  • wait max 7 days
  • or, if you can't wait you can create a certificate for "example.com and anything.example.com" not two certificates, one, with both name in it. That certificate will work for example.com and will be different from the 5 certificates you already have created and lost. But It's better to wait if you can because you will need to be careful for the renewal of that certificate. Only use this solution if you absolutely need a certificate now and cant wait a few days.

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