Certificate signature failed. If you supplied your own CSR make sure the domains on it match what you put on SSLForFree. If there is a rate limiting error at the end of this paragraph certificates per Domain is currently 5 per 7 days. Try asking Lets Encrypt to increase the limit or wait 7 days. Rate limits should increase in the near future. { “type”: “urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed”, “detail”: “Order’s status (“invalid”) is not acceptable for finalization”, “status”: 400 }
I tried to update the certificate automatically using: Cron Jobs.
Such a command: php acme-client/bin/acme issue --domains the-dialogue.com:www.the-dialogue.com --path /home/x123011738/public_html:/home/x123011738/public_html --server letsencrypt
You can check in acme-client’s data directory to see if it managed to save any of the certificates it issued. Or maybe try:
acme-client/bin/acme status
If it didn’t save any of the certificates, then the only way you’re going to be able to issue another certificate would be to add another domain name to the certificate. For example: