Help..Not so geek

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Hi guys, not so geek here. Just a regular guy with hopes of hosting our mini startup as a side hustle. We didn't have the funds to renew hosting via Godaddy anymore so we followed this YouTube tutorial on how to host via Google cloud.

However, I had the impression that the SSL certificate will not expire. Please help, I'm a bit lost. My geek meter is not that high when renewing the SSL cert. How do I know the root of my website inside google cloud?

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: google cloud

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): I don't know

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Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community, Canant :slightly_smiling_face:

No worries, geek or no geek, we're here to help.

Honestly, your setup is far better-off than most who venture here. Firstly, THANK YOU for having a working server with correctly-structured redirects from http to https and non-www to www. You have no idea how rare that is to see right off. The only thing you may want to change there is the type of redirects. You should be using 301 Permanent redirects instead of 302 Temporary redirects.

As for renewing your certificate, you've come to the right place. There are many options available, so we'll try to set you up with what will be comfortable and reliable for you. Let's Encrypt certificates expire every 90 days. You can view your entire certificate history here:

We need to gather a bit of information to get you moving forward. We know your hosting is with Google cloud. We need to know what operating system (OS) (e.g. Linux, Ubuntu) and webserver software (e.g. Apache, nginx) you are using. These are both dependent upon your hosting provider, so start looking there. You should find it in the webpages somewhere related to your account. Report back to us once you think you've identified these and we'll go from there.

The root of your website is the folder/directory where your website starts. This is almost always where your homepage or index file is located. It's often named something like www or public_html.


If you setup automatic renewals properly, you can set it and forget it.
[and have the feeling of a never expiring cert]
Every cert will expire.
Unfortunately yours expired on 2020.07.14 (more than 2 months ago).
Do you recall how the last cert was issued/installed ?

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