Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
I’ve disabled the firewall temporarily, you should be able to see the GUI now.
The Generate Lets Encrypt Certificate is part of FreePBX itself, it basically automates the generation of the cert after adding a few details such as: Host Name, Owners Email, Country, and State.
After adding the details and clicking generate it throws that error in my original post.
I have run this command with no issues via another provider (Cyberlynk).
I have already opened a support ticket with Vultr about this, without a resolution thus far.
I have also “cast many nets” by opening a ticket with them and posting on here and within the freepbx forums to see where i can get the answer fastest.
is the main problem. You should use such an integrated solution, this is always better then installing other tools. But then the help in this forum is limited. If your tool has a bug, it must be fixed.
Is it possible to check, if there are files under /.well-known/acme-challenge/
The error message ends with "\n\n". Is that a copy&paste - problem?
Is it possible to check, if there are files under /.well-known/acme-challenge/
ive looked through multiple directories and cannot find this.
The error message ends with “\n\n”. Is that a copy&paste - problem?
No that is actually in the error, which is weird to say the least
You have root access. Is there a letsencrypt.log? /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
I dont see anything here using nano, its completely blank, which in my experience usually means it doesnt even exists.
I am going to see if it is the hosting providers issue with thier supplied ISO, i am going to image one with a fresh copy of the offical distro of FreePBX and see what happens,
I just used cerbot on an instance of the Ubiquity Unifi controller and it worked flawlessly
Issue resolved, ipv6 issue with domain hosting. Thanks for your help, i realized this after running the certbot manually and seeing “multiple choices” in the error readout
By the way, nano should be able to distinguish between an empty file and a nonexistent file by displaying either [ Read 0 lines ] or [ New File ] as the status at the bottom of the screen. (You could also try cat or less, which should clearly distinguish between empty and nonexistent files.)
I'm trying to deal with this myself, and come up with a way to make it do DNS validation. Did the FreePBX folks really write their own tool for this, rather than use one of the (many, and very good) existing clients? Ugh. That's going to make it pretty much impossible for me to get a cert--as they recommend, my installation is behind a separate firewall, as there's no reason it needs to be directly accessible to the Internet at all (and their recommendation of "open your firewall to outbound[1|2]" isn't even remotely a good practice).
By the way, nano should be able to distinguish between an empty file and a nonexistent file by displaying either [ Read 0 lines ] or [ New File ] as the status at the bottom of the screen. (You could also try cat or less , which should clearly distinguish between empty and nonexistent files.)
I did not know that this was even possible, im not terribly great with linux, i know enough to get me by with whatever i may be doing at the moment, but thats it. Thanks for this i, always willing to learn something new.
I’m trying to deal with this myself, and come up with a way to make it do DNS validation. Did the FreePBX folks really write their own tool for this, rather than use one of the (many, and very good) existing clients? Ugh. That’s going to make it pretty much impossible for me to get a cert–as they recommend, my installation is behind a separate firewall, as there’s no reason it needs to be directly accessible to the Internet at all (and their recommendation of “open your firewall to outbound[1|2]” isn’t even remotely a good practice).
All 6 or so instances of FreePBX i am currently running are hosting VPS servers, therefore i use the builtin responsive firewall. Yes SIP is naturally going to get attacked, however i have noticed that the builtin firewall/fail2ban do a pretty great job, ads most of my customer are not interested in paying monthly for a static IP, the responisve firewall does a nice job blocking bad IPs as they hit the system,
What i would LOVE to see, is a plugin that auto adds all blacklisted IPs from one of the well known sites that compile a list of know bad networks, then you would have to wait for the ip to hit your system as it would already be in iptables, but to manually confige iptables would not be fun.