Error: rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new registration :: Too many registrations from this IP

new host trying to register, gets

Error: rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new registration :: Too many registrations from this IP

it’s a freebsd 10.1, but i have successfully registered two others. the name(s) are allegedly white listed.

Hi Randy,

I believe there is a rate limit of 2 registrations per week at this time, you might have to wait a bit.


ok. but perhaps the diagnostic could be improved?

i am now ten days out and can not register a whitelisted name

I got the Too many registrations from this IP on my first attempt after installing the Letsencrypt wrapper from github on my own dedicated server with it’s own dedicated IP address!

I have the same issue
FIX :ssl was not enabled it seems on my server, i did “a2enmod ssl” and it works :smile:
(a bit weird I had this error log though?)

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Try turning off ipv6

The staff are working on the issue

If you are on linux you can simply do

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

Thanks Tim, turning IPv6 off as you suggested solved this issue for me :grinning: