Hello, I’m trying to secure my plesk administration page. When I want to secure it, it gives error.
It’s very important to say that I’m not trying to issue certificate every day or every week, as it says in error. Last time when I tried to secure my plesk administration page (http://domain_name:8443) was 5 months ago, but still Let’s Encrypt gives me this error:
Error: Could not issue a Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate for (domain_name).
The “Certificates per Registered Domain” rate limit has been exceeded for (domain_name). Let’s Encrypt allows no more than 20 certificates to be issued per registered domain, per week.
See the related Knowledge Base article for details.
Invalid response from https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-cert.
Type: urn:acme:error:rateLimited
Status: 429
Detail: Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for: ovh.net: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/
This seems not your problems. (If OVH.net is in public suffix list) It’s due to the rate limit.
In this case, we’ll need to ask LE employees for help. (Already asked )
Hello, every information is helpfull because I tried before to secure my administration page and all the time I was receiving that error. What is interesting is that only with my administrator page (ovh.net domain) i have problem. With other I do not have. Something is not ok. I hope that we will find solution for this. It’s very important to me. Thanks everyone who is helping.
I don’t happen to know OVH’s rate limit situation, but from the issuance history, I would guess that they probably have some kind of rate limit exemption. But it might not be appropriate to the particular subdomain here, or it might only apply to certificates issued using a particular Let’s Encrypt account (which in that case may be controlled by OVH itself).
@Progin, we generally can’t deal with rate limit exemption requests from someone who isn’t the domain owner. If you need a certificate for this name, you’ll need to ask OVH support what they expect you to do and whether they can deal with the rate limit in some way.
Some providers don’t want or expect their users to issue certificates for the host’s own domains, but rather only for customer domains. (As an extreme example, Amazon gives AWS services names under amazonaws.com, but Let’s Encrypt isn’t allowed to issue certificates for those names at all; Amazon expects customers to get certificates using the customers’ own domain names.) However, in this case the provider ought to give you a straightforward way of accessing the Plesk administration page via another domain name.