Does letsencrypt support iranian windows server?

I am an Iranian letsencrypt's member.
Can I install and renew automatically free SSL on IIS (.ir web site)?
I have used certbot for linux server before, successfully.

My web server is IIS

The operating system my web server runs on is Windows server

I can login as administrator and have access powershell

Thank you


Let's Encrypt is a CA and from the moment the EFF took over development of Certbot, does not develop any ACME client. As far as I know, Let's Encrypt does not block the .ir TLD.

Please note that the Certbot team is discontinuing Windows support. See Certbot Discontinuing Windows Beta Support in 2024 for more information.

You can see a (probably non-exhaustive) list of ACME clients at ACME Client Implementations - Let's Encrypt, including for Windows.


Thank you


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